Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Project Integration Management

Project Integration Management includes the processes and
activities needed to identify, define, combine, unify and
coordinate the various processes and project management

• Integration includes characteristics of unification, consolidation,
articulation and integrative actions that are crucial to project

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Project Charter

WHAT IS A PROJECT CHARTER? The project charter, is the signed document that formally defines and authorizes a project. Reaching an agreement on the nature of a new project, including its scope, objectives, and constraints can be a difficult but healthy process for a group of key stakeholders in a corporate environment.
Without a project charter, the goals of the project will be ambiguous and often understood incorrectly by the key stakeholders, each having a different point of interest in the project. The result is a project beset with conflicting priorities, role confusion, and in many cases, as failed project.
While charters are to written for each specific project, they should contain at least the following aspects:
1) Project Authorization: A brief written statement should identify the authorized project by name and/or number.

2) Project Manager Authorization: The name of the project manager, including a description of his/her responsibilities should be clearly identified.

3) Key Stakeholders: All key stakeholders identified in the project proposal, those who can positively or negatively influence the success or failure of a project, must be identified. Their functions and roles must also be defined clearly to avoid role confusion. List all stakeholders, their roles, and how they will contribute to the project. 

4) Project Goal(s): Having a clear, agreed-upon, goal statement is vital to the success of the project. The goal statement in the project charter must be identical to the goal established in the approved project proposal. The goal must be:

 Specific

 Measurable

 Achievable

 Relevant to the corporate strategy

 Time-lined

Project Priorities: A list of the project priorities (time, cost, scope, etc.) must be included and delineated in the order importance. These priorities should remain constant throughout the project whenever possible. The importance of conveying project priorities to the project manager cannot be stressed enough.

6) Scope Statement: A scope statement that describes the major activities of the project in such a way that it will be absolutely clear if extra work is added later on. Sometimes it is best to also include what is not in the scope of the project. The scope statement in the project charter must reflect the approved scope described in the project proposal, and may further expand on its details. If a scope statement is not included in the project charter, it must be developed as part of the project scope planning efforts.

7) Product Requirements: Either marketing personnel, or a customer will identify the product requirements--what the product is expected to do, and how it must perform. Requirements at this stage are embryonic and will be defined during the project planning processes. Remember, most customers don’t know what they want until they know what you can provide, so initial product requirements are often "soft." Product requirements must be consistent with those in the approved project proposal, and are sometimes included in a document called a, "Marketing Requirements Document (MRD)."

8) Project Assumptions: Any and all assumptions related to this project must be clearly described. This may include the availability of specific resources, information, funding, and project personnel skills.

9) Project Constraints & Boundaries: Any constraints or boundaries placed on this project must be clearly described. This might include budget/funding limits, time constraints, regulations, or quality standards that must be met.

10) Initial Project Risks: Any identifiable obstacles and risks (threats) that might prevent the successful attainment of the project goals must be considered. Each risk must be analyzed, quantified, and prioritized as much as possible with the information available at this stage of a new project. Risk responses, including mitigations, risk sharing, risk avoidance, and risk tolerances should be described in this portion of the project proposal. The risks identified in the project charter must be identical to those in the project proposal, but may contain additional detailed risk management information.

11) List of Deliverables: The project charter should include a list of deliverables produced by the project and submitted to a customer, or a production manager for acceptance. There can be both intermediate and end deliverables.

12) Cost Estimates: Any cost estimates that were developed and approved in the project proposal must be reflected in the project charter.

13) Schedule Estimates: Any project duration estimates that were developed and approved in the project proposal must also be reflected in the project charter.

14) Integrated Change Control: The project charter must also define how changes to the project charter, or the approved project management plan, will be managed. Processes such as configuration management, or software release centers must be described in detail, including who has the authority to accept or reject these changes.

15) Success Criteria: In addition to the project goals it is also important to determine the success criteria of a project. Not all projects finish exactly on time, within budget, or with all initial scope completed, but this does not mean that a project has failed. Aggressive, but doable success criteria will ensure having a motivated project team.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Getting Started with Project Management

Here is a video from Rita Mulcahy, PMP
- An expert in advanced project management,
- A gifted instructor and author of the books &
- Founder of RMC Project Management

A Quick Note: I will doing a pattern in posting Sharepoint & Project Management Videos and Articles

Friday, 20 January 2012

The Alpha of SharePoint!!!

Microsoft SharePoint is a web application platform typically associated with web content management and document management systems, says wiki.
It is actually a much broader platform of web technologies, capable of being configured to suit a wide range of solution areas.

With centralized application platform for common enterprise web requirements, SharePoint's multi-purpose design allows for management and provisioning of :
Document & file management,
Collaboration spaces,
Social tools,
Enterprise search,
Business intelligence,
Process integration,
System integration,
Workflow automation,
and Core Infrastructure for third-party solutions.

It is also capable of supporting multiple organizations on a single 'server farm'
SharePoint is a also available as a service in cloud computing.

Will get back in my next post to share some videos to get started with Sharepoint Design, Development, Admin and Management.

Happy Sharing!!!

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Hello World!!!!

Hi Techies,

To have an IT Weblog was my passion for past 4-5 years from when I started my Cooking Recipes Food Blog. Never did get a chance to put this thought into action all these years. But we've got to start somewhere and here I am starting my TechInfo Recipes blog to go ryhming with my other blog.

Here I will be sharing my recipes for Software and Web Application Development mainly with respect to DotNet Technology, Design and Development with SharePoint and Essentials of Project Management. To widen the scope of this blog will also try to post the latest in Cloud Computing and Mobile Apps Development too.

So Happy Tech Bloging!!!